Ben Williams Ben Williams

Ben Williams


Environment and planning

A specialist in natural resources and infrastructure, Ben has considerable experience in a range of resource management and environmental matters across New Zealand.

Ben’s particular interest in rural infrastructure, water and nutrient management, means he is regularly called upon to represent infrastructure providers, farmers and irrigation companies.

He is a member of our Climate Change team.

Recent highlights

  • Acting for various farmers and irrigation scheme organisations in the Canterbury region on nutrient management for the Waimakariri, Selwyn Te Waihora, Hinds, and South Canterbury chapters of the Canterbury Land & Water Regional Plan.
  • Assisting Crown Irrigation on environmental and resource management aspects of its investments into major regional irrigation projects.
  • Advising Waimakariri Irrigation on resource consent issues relating to storage proposals and nutrient management issues in relation to scheme users.
  • Acting for the Rakaia River Irrigators Association on terms around the release of stored water from Lake Coleridge.
  • Advising Ngāi Tahu Farming on its proposed large-scale Balmoral forest conversion and associated irrigation activities in the Hurunui catchment.
  • Acting for Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency on roading projects, including the Christchurch Southern Motorway, Edendale Bypass Project and Beaumont Bridge upgrade.
  • Acting for Deepwater Group (as representative of the New Zealand deep water fishing fleet) on fishing vessel access around the Auckland islands.


  • Resource Management Law Association.

Ben's insights

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