Celebrating 150 years of impact

Lucy Cooper Lucy Cooper

Lucy Cooper


Competition & antitrust

Lucy is experienced in engaging with the Commerce Commission on cartel, merger clearances, market studies and a variety of other competition and consumer issues. She also advises clients on their everyday competition law, consumer and regulatory issues.

Previously, Lucy worked in the competition departments of Slaughter and May in London and Mallesons Stephen Jacques (now King & Wood Mallesons) in Sydney.

Lucy is recognised as Band 1 lawyer by Chambers Asia Pacific 2025, and recognised as a Leading Individual by Legal 500 Asia Pacific 2025.

Recent highlights

  • Advising EBOS on successfully obtaining New Zealand merger clearance in 2022 for its acquisition of New Zealand LifeHealthcare business.
  • Advising Foodstuffs on the Commerce Commission’s second market study, into retail grocery.
  • Acting for Z Energy on the merger clearance process for its acquisition by Ampol.
  • Advising Aon plc on its New Zealand merger clearance application to acquire Willis Towers Watson.
  • Advising Z Energy on its response to the Commerce Commission's first-ever market study, into retail fuel.
  • Advising Pfizer on the New Zealand merger clearance process for the combination of its off-patent branded and generics business Upjohn with Mylan, and acting for Pfizer on the New Zealand merger clearance process for the combination of its GlaxoSmithKline’s consumer healthcare businesses.
  • Advising on Commerce Commission investigations of cartel and other anti-competitive conduct, and consumer protection issues, including Bayleys on the Commission's real estate cartel investigation.

Lucy's insights

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Chapman Tripp advises Connexa on $1.076 billion deal to acquire 2degrees’ passive cell tower assets

Chapman Tripp advised Connexa on $1.076 billion deal to acquire 2degrees’ passive cell tower assets. Connexa agreed to acquire 1,124 passive mobile telecommunication towers from 2degrees in December 2022 and the transaction is now complete. In connection with the transaction, 2degrees entered into a 20-year services agreement with Connexa, under which Connexa will provide access to space on the towers. 2degrees has also committed to an additional 450 tower tenancies with Connexa.

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cartoon people stood atop a mountain

High rankings in Chambers Asia Pacific 2020

Chapman Tripp recognised with the highest number of ranked practice areas and individuals in NZ.

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