Kathryn Docherty  Kathryn Docherty

Kathryn Docherty

Senior Associate

Property & real estate

Kathryn advises on a broad range of commercial property matters, and has particular experience in commercial property transactional and leasing work and overseas investment.

Prior to joining Chapman Tripp Kathryn was legal counsel at T&G Global and a Senior Associate at a national property firm.

Recent highlights

  • Negotiating the lease of T&G Global's global hub office in Auckland.
  • Preparing and negotiating agreements for T&G's new packhouse facility in Hastings.
  • Providing property and overseas investment advice to an international fast food restaurant chain in respect of its New Zealand property portfolio.
  • Assisting an NZX listed building company with its industrial and commercial property matters, including property acquisitions and disposals and leasing.
  • Providing advice to various overseas investors on all aspects of the Overseas Investment Act 2005.